Tatkal Passport vs. Regular Passport: Which One Should You Choose? | Reddit

3 min readMay 18, 2024


When it comes to obtaining a passport, there are often different options available depending on your needs and urgency. Two common types of passports are the Tatkal passport and the Regular passport. Understanding the differences between these two can help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

What is a Tatkal Passport?

A Tatkal passport is a type of passport service provided by many countries’ passport offices for expedited processing. This service is typically available for individuals who need to obtain a passport urgently due to unforeseen circumstances such as travel emergencies or last-minute business trips.

Features of Tatkal Passport

  • Expedited Processing: One of the key features of a Tatkal passport is its expedited processing time. Unlike regular passport applications, which may take several weeks or even months to process, Tatkal passport applications are prioritized and processed much faster.
  • Additional Fees: Since Tatkal passport applications require expedited processing, they often come with additional fees compared to regular passport applications. These fees can vary depending on the country and the specific services requested.
  • Documentation Requirements: While the documentation requirements for a Tatkal passport are similar to those for a regular passport, applicants may need to provide additional documentation to support their request for expedited processing.

What is a Regular Passport?

A regular passport, also known as a standard passport, is the most common type of passport issued by governments around the world. It is designed for individuals who do not require urgent processing and have sufficient time to wait for their passport to be issued through the standard application process.

Features of Regular Passport

  • Standard Processing Time: Unlike Tatkal passports, which are processed expediently, regular passport applications follow the standard processing timelines set by the passport office. This means that it may take several weeks or even months to receive your passport after submitting your application.
  • No Additional Fees: Since regular passport applications do not require expedited processing, they generally do not incur any additional fees beyond the standard passport application fees.
  • Standard Documentation Requirements: The documentation requirements for a regular passport are typically straightforward and similar to those for a Tatkal passport. However, applicants should ensure that they provide all necessary documents to avoid delays in processing.

Which One Should You Choose?

The decision between a Tatkal passport and a regular passport ultimately depends on your specific circumstances and needs.

Choose Tatkal Passport If:

  • Urgent Travel Plans: If you have urgent travel plans and require a passport within a short timeframe, opting for a Tatkal passport may be the best choice. Its expedited processing can ensure that you receive your passport in time for your trip.
  • Emergency Situations: In case of emergency situations such as medical emergencies or family crises that require immediate travel, a Tatkal passport can be a lifesaver, allowing you to obtain a passport quickly and efficiently.

Choose Regular Passport If:

  • Planned Travel: If you have planned travel that is several weeks or months away, opting for a regular passport may be more cost-effective and practical. Since regular passports do not incur additional fees for expedited processing, you can save money by choosing this option.
  • No Urgency: If there is no immediate urgency for obtaining a passport and you have sufficient time to wait for standard processing, a regular passport is the most straightforward option.


In conclusion, both Tatkal passports and regular passports serve the purpose of facilitating international travel, but they cater to different needs and timelines. Understanding the differences between these two types of passports can help you make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

Whether you opt for a Tatkal passport for urgent travel or a regular passport for planned trips, ensuring that you have the necessary documentation and meeting the requirements will streamline the passport application process.

